• In 2018 the Board received $437 in donations to the community fund.
  • 13 households out of 55 contributed. 5 from Flag, 8 from Sample.
  • 3 exceptionally generous households contributed $264 of the total.
  • Thanks to the following families for donating: Brush, Cotterman, Geronazzo, Gildin, Hibbitts, Maione, Olson, Sandin, Schleiker, Smith, Taylor, Uehling, and White
  • Using the donations, the Board sponsored 4 events:
    • a Cinco de Mayo party for CONO’s Neighborhood Week in May
    • a Block Party in September
    • a family-friendly Oktoberfest in October
    • the 3rd Annual Holiday Lights Tour in December
  • Check out our group Pinon Ranch Neighbors on Facebook to stay current and see pictures from past events!